Good design award 2011 was announced. I will introduce my favorite products of the award.
Candle made from rice. Candle wax and smoke are less than normal candle. Since it's a pure vegetable candle, the candle is ecofriendly.
The product and package are filled with plenty of Japanese mind.
製品情報 product information:
日本の優れたデザインプロダクトを日本語と英語で紹介。 I introduce Japanese good design on this blog written in English and Japanese.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Furoshiki is Japanese traditional wrapping cloth with a wide range of usage.
Furoshiki is used to wrap a lunch box.
Also it's good for wrapping a bottle of wine!
It's useful to carry the bottles.
Furoshiki is available for a bag.
Whenever I go abroad, I take Furoshiki as a souvenir. Since there are so many beautiful Furoshiki nowadays, some foreigner use Furoshiki as decoration of their interior.
Furoshiki is very convenient and useful cloth.
When you buy Furoshiki at Matsuzakaya department store in Ginza, you can get the English leaflet to explain how to wrap.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Dreamland ~Boiled egg cooker~
Japanese lunch box is like an art. If you use "Dreamland" for boiled eggs, your lunch box become much fancier!!!
Separate the white from the yoke and pour the white into "Dreamland" then replace the shaper into the white and boil. Then pull out the shaper and pour the yoke and boil again. Then you can make four boiled eggs with yokes in the shape of a heart, flower, star and diamond.
Product information:http://www.jbox.com/product/FK416
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Doltz ドルツ ~portable electric toothbrush~
Anytime, anywhere, you can brush your teeth. Portable and cute. This is the portable electric toothbrush called 「pocket Doltz」 of Panasonic.
The length is 16cm. It's good size to put in your cosmetic bag. It has a cap and whole body is washable, so you can keep it clean. It will run for 90days on a single AA battery. There are 7 colors.
製品情報 Product information:http://panasonic.jp/pocket_doltz/product/index.html
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Kuumba ~designer's incense. デザインされたお香とは?~
Do you know "Designer's Incense"? As the name, 「Kuumba」 is the incense brand which is "designed".
例えば上記のお香。名前は“Sweet Rain”。どんな香りがするか、思わず試してみたくなる。想像力をかきたてられるお香。それが、「Kuumba」のお香。
For example, the name of above incense is "Sweet Rain". Can you imagine the smell? We cannot help trying it. All of "Kuumba" incenses has plenty of imagination and creativity.
There are many unique incenses.
This is the incense of "President Obama". How the hell is the smell??
Michael Jackson??
And they have the following incense which has such a sexy name... R18??
When I tried this incense, I was so surprised at the complicated but comfortable smell. Then I bought unbelievable amount of the incenses. Also 「Kuumba」 staff was surprised at my "big" shopping.
If you are living in Hong Kong, you can get some of 「Kuumba」 incenses at "JUICE", which is the select shop owned by that Edison Chan. Last year, they made a collaboration incense called "Lamon tea". Hong Kong lemon tea is very popular among Hong Kong people and the flavor is very unique.
JUICE:2/F A, 53 Patterson Street, Causeway Bay Hong Kong
(上海と台北にも支店あり。They have the branches in Shanghai and Taipei.)
Sunday, August 7, 2011
tef tef ~Rearrangement of Japanese fabrics~
「tef tef」は香港在住の日本人が日本の帯をメインに、中国のメタル、タイシルクや竹を使って作った“和”の心溢れるバッグブランド。
「tef tef」 is a bag brand which made of Japanese traditional fabrics, Chinese metalworks and Thai silks and bamboo. Japanese fabrics is called "Obi", which is used for tying a Japanese kimono. The designer of this brand is Japanese living in Hong Kong. 「tef tef」 has plenty of Japanese mind.
カクテルバッグ内側 Inside of cocktail bag
ティーバッグ Tea bag
化粧ポーチ Pudding Pocket (Cosmetic bag)
ピクニックバッグ(トートバッグ) Picnic bag
「tef tef」は日本の古語で蝶々を意味します。蝶々のように美しいバッグがいっぱいです。
「tef tef」 means a butterfly in Japanese old language. All of 「tef tef」 bags are beautiful like butterflies.
ブランド&製品情報 Brand & product information:
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
monacca ~feel the shape of the wood 木のぬくもりを現代へ~
「monacca」 is made of wood. Long time ago, Japanese was living surrounded by woods. Wooden buildings, furniture and toys... Japanese used to have the mentality of wooden culture. 「monacca」 are the products which are rearranged this mentality to modern style.
「monacca」 are made by using "sandwich structure" which put something between wood and wood. It's like a Japanese traditional sweets called "MONAKA".
「monacca」 series are not just bags. They have various products. This is a calculator.
これは座布団。 This is a Japanese floor cushion.
1% of sales goes to fund to save forests.
製品情報 Product infomation:http://www.monacca.com/index.html
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
G-SHOCKならぬ”毛-SHOCK” ~Watch knitted out of wool~
Do you know "G-shock"? What about "毛-shock"?? "毛" is the Chinese character which means "wool". "毛-Shock" is knitted out of wool.
Since this watch is hand-made, you would feel something warm. They have hand-made kit. You can design as you want and can make only one watch in the world.
"毛-shock"の作り方(動画) how to knit "毛-shock"(movie)
オンラインショップ Online shop:
You can get the kit also at Okadaya which is a popular handcraft shop in Japan.
発案者「大図まこと」のブログ This idea by Makoto Ozu. His blog:
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Safe toy blocks ~made from rice~
Children love playing toy blocks. But babies also like trying to put everything into their mouth. The toy blocks are very safe for such babies. Each pieces are made from 100% authentic Japanese rice and are made in Japan. You can also feel warm Japanese taste from "Toy blocks made from rice".
製品情報 Product information:
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Little Tree~Katsumi Komagata & his beautiful book~
「Little Tree」は日本語、英語、フランス語で書かれた駒形克己デザインのとび出す絵本。木は芽吹き、成長し、季節毎に色づきながら人々を癒し、そして最後は枯れる。しかし木の思い出は人々の心に残る。私もそんな存在感を持つ人間でありたい。
「Little Tree」 is the children's book designed by Katsumi Komagata and written in Japanese, English and French. He made this book by delicately cutting into the paper to make the scenes of 3D. Tree comes into bud, grows up, colors in each season to make people fun and finally dies. But people remember the memory of the tree. I want to be a person like this tree.
「Little Tree」 is the children's book designed by Katsumi Komagata and written in Japanese, English and French. He made this book by delicately cutting into the paper to make the scenes of 3D. Tree comes into bud, grows up, colors in each season to make people fun and finally dies. But people remember the memory of the tree. I want to be a person like this tree.
動画。Movie(Japanese subtitle)
イタリア・ボローニャ国際絵本展でRAGAZZI賞という名誉ある賞を受賞した駒形克己。彼はグラフィックデザイナーを経て、子供の誕生をきっかけに絵本の世界にたどり着いた。視覚障害者でも楽しめる絵本を作りづつけている。「Little Tree」は日本人らしい詩的感覚にあふれた切ないストーリーと共に大人も楽しめる絵本となっている。
Katsumi Komagata received BOLOGNA RAGAZZI MENTION AWARD. He stared to work as a graphic designer. Then he started to make children's books, because he was inspired by the birth of his daughter. He also co-published the books which are for visual deficient children. The story of 「Little Tree」 has Japanese sense and is very poetic and beautiful. Also mature people can enjoy this book.
商品情報 Product Information:http://www.one-stroke.co.jp/tree.html
駒形克己 Katsumi Komagata:http://www.one-stroke.co.jp/komagata.html
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
「渦」をテーマにしたCIRKLER & BOSSAのUZUバッグ。様々な人種が集まり異文化の交流地点である香港から発信する日本人デザイナーのブランドです。廃棄率ゼロを目指し1枚皮を渦状に切り取って作られたバッグは底から見るとうずまきそのもの!軟らかな皮は持ちやすく、そして丈夫。ちょっとしたおでかけに重宝する小さめなものからA4サイズも入る仕事に重宝するサイズまで色もバリエーション豊かです。くるくると丸めて収納できるので、旅行へ持っていくのにも便利。私も重宝しています。クラッチバッグもあります。
UZU means the spiral design in Japanese. UZU bag of CIRKLER & BOSSA shaped round bag by cutting from a single piece of leather in a spiral design. Japanese designer living in Hong Kong was inspired by the multicultural atmosphere of Hong Kong and launched this brand. Italian leather is very soft and durable. Small bag is suitable to use daily and A4 size bag is convenient to use for business. Also these bags are easy to roll up and very useful for trip! They have also clutch bag. I'm a big fan of UZU bag.
UZUバッグA4サイズ UZU A4 size bag
クラッチバッグ (パープル) Clutch Bag (Purple)
You cannot put all of your stuffs like cosmetics and mobile into clutch bag? This bag is completely different from others! You can put all you want to put! I love this clutch bag!
UZUチャーム UZU charm
Uzu bag has beautiful charms.
You can get UZU bag at the following stores.
Free Park:〒154-0004 東京都世田谷区太子堂4-26-13 島田洋服店ビル2F
〒154-0004 2F 4-26-13 Taishido Setagaya, Tokyo
Tel : 03-3414-9906
Online store http://www.free-park.jp/?mode=srh&sort=n&cid=549242%2C0&keyword=UZU
【Hong Kong】
Kapok:G/F 3 Sun Street Wanchai Hong Kong http://ka-pok.com/?page_id=2
Addiction:G/F 15 Gough Street Central Hong Kong
商品情報 Product information:http://www.cirklerandbossa.com/Products.html
UZU means the spiral design in Japanese. UZU bag of CIRKLER & BOSSA shaped round bag by cutting from a single piece of leather in a spiral design. Japanese designer living in Hong Kong was inspired by the multicultural atmosphere of Hong Kong and launched this brand. Italian leather is very soft and durable. Small bag is suitable to use daily and A4 size bag is convenient to use for business. Also these bags are easy to roll up and very useful for trip! They have also clutch bag. I'm a big fan of UZU bag.
UZUバッグA4サイズ UZU A4 size bag
クラッチバッグ (パープル) Clutch Bag (Purple)
You cannot put all of your stuffs like cosmetics and mobile into clutch bag? This bag is completely different from others! You can put all you want to put! I love this clutch bag!
UZUチャーム UZU charm
Uzu bag has beautiful charms.
You can get UZU bag at the following stores.
Free Park:〒154-0004 東京都世田谷区太子堂4-26-13 島田洋服店ビル2F
〒154-0004 2F 4-26-13 Taishido Setagaya, Tokyo
Tel : 03-3414-9906
Online store http://www.free-park.jp/?mode=srh&sort=n&cid=549242%2C0&keyword=UZU
【Hong Kong】
Kapok:G/F 3 Sun Street Wanchai Hong Kong http://ka-pok.com/?page_id=2
Addiction:G/F 15 Gough Street Central Hong Kong
商品情報 Product information:http://www.cirklerandbossa.com/Products.html
ブランド情報 Brand information:http://www.cirklerandbossa.com/
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Caetla Evereon Umbrella サエラ エバーイオン ビニール傘
こんなにかわいいビニール傘見たことない!ビニール傘といえば使い捨てのイメージ。それを覆すこのサエラ エバーイオン ビニール傘。ビニール傘は壊れやすい?いえいえ、丈夫でしなやか。破れやすくない?いえいえ、生地の張り替えも可能なんです!どんな人にもフィットするハンドルもお洒落なデザイン。しかも錆つきません!雨の日が楽しくなりそうです。
Do you think "Plastic umbrella is disposable and the design is not fashionable."? When you see "Caetla Evereon Umbrella", you must change your opinion about plastic umbrella. The flame is very flexible. It's possible to change the canopy. All of canopies are very fashionable! The handle fits people of all age and sex and is very fashionable design. And it's rust free! You can enjoy rainy day with Caetla Evereon Umbrella.
デザインの一部はこちら。Here is part of the designs.
アンティーク Antique
Product information:http://www.caetlaltd.co.jp/eevereon.aspx
Monday, May 16, 2011
Cupmen~Superman for instant cup noodle~
When you cook instant cup noodle, you must have this experience. It's difficult to hold paper cover after you poured hot water!! "Cupmen" play an active role at that time! Name is witty. Men is same pronunciation as noodle in Japanese. When Cupmen hold paper cover, he will change his body color. Because it seems as if he turns pale, you can feel he is working very hard. Image movie→http://www.plus-d.com/cupmen/
They have 3 colors.
オレンジ Orange
ピンク Pink
リラックスバージョンもあります。 They have also relax version.
女の子バージョンもあります。They have "Cupwomen",too!
Product information:http://www.plus-d.com/cupmen/ http://www.plus-d.com/cupwomen3/
When you cook instant cup noodle, you must have this experience. It's difficult to hold paper cover after you poured hot water!! "Cupmen" play an active role at that time! Name is witty. Men is same pronunciation as noodle in Japanese. When Cupmen hold paper cover, he will change his body color. Because it seems as if he turns pale, you can feel he is working very hard. Image movie→http://www.plus-d.com/cupmen/
They have 3 colors.
オレンジ Orange
ピンク Pink
リラックスバージョンもあります。 They have also relax version.
女の子バージョンもあります。They have "Cupwomen",too!
Product information:http://www.plus-d.com/cupmen/ http://www.plus-d.com/cupwomen3/
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Four Seasons Crackers ~Pop and fun!~ 季節感溢れるパーティークラッカー
春のイメージ、桜。Cherry blossom in Spring
梅雨の雨。Rain drop in rainy season.
秋のイメージ、落ち葉。Fallen leaves in Autumn.
冬のイメージ、雪。Snow in Winter.
MoMA STOREなどで販売されています。www.momastore.jp/search/item575-001-KS.html
You can get this at MoMA STORE. www.momastore.jp/search/item575-001-KS.html
Japanese Sound System~Japanese technology~
製品情報:エムズシステム www.mssystem.co.jp/
When I walked around Ginza, I found one shop. The shop is selling Japanese sound system. I asked the staff to try to listen the sound. The quality was nice. In addition, you can see, the design is so nice! It reminds me Japanese drum. You can try this at Rits Carlton Tokyo. They decided to use this product. This product is World-class, but very Japanese style.
Product infomation : M's system www.mssystem.co.jp/
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