Tuesday, June 28, 2011

G-SHOCKならぬ”毛-SHOCK” ~Watch knitted out of wool~


Do you know "G-shock"? What about "毛-shock"?? "毛" is the Chinese character which means "wool". "毛-Shock" is knitted out of wool.


Since this watch is hand-made, you would feel something warm. They have hand-made kit. You can design as you want and can make only one watch in the world.

"毛-shock"の作り方(動画) how to knit "毛-shock"(movie)

オンラインショップ Online shop:

You can get the kit also at Okadaya which is a popular handcraft shop in Japan.

発案者「大図まこと」のブログ This idea by Makoto Ozu. His blog:

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