Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kuumba ~designer's incense. デザインされたお香とは?~


Do you know "Designer's Incense"? As the name, 「Kuumba」 is the incense brand which is "designed".

例えば上記のお香。名前は“Sweet Rain”。どんな香りがするか、思わず試してみたくなる。想像力をかきたてられるお香。それが、「Kuumba」のお香。

For example, the name of above incense is "Sweet Rain". Can you imagine the smell? We cannot help trying it. All of "Kuumba" incenses has plenty of imagination and creativity.


There are many unique incenses.


This is the incense of "President Obama". How the hell is the smell??


Michael Jackson??


And they have the following incense which has such a sexy name... R18??


When I tried this incense, I was so surprised at the complicated but comfortable smell. Then I bought unbelievable amount of the incenses. Also 「Kuumba」 staff was surprised at my "big" shopping.


If you are living in Hong Kong, you can get some of 「Kuumba」 incenses at "JUICE", which is the select shop owned by that Edison Chan. Last year, they made a collaboration incense called "Lamon tea". Hong Kong lemon tea is very popular among Hong Kong people and the flavor is very unique.

JUICE:2/F A, 53 Patterson Street, Causeway Bay Hong Kong
(上海と台北にも支店あり。They have the branches in Shanghai and Taipei.)

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