「Little Tree」 is the children's book designed by Katsumi Komagata and written in Japanese, English and French. He made this book by delicately cutting into the paper to make the scenes of 3D. Tree comes into bud, grows up, colors in each season to make people fun and finally dies. But people remember the memory of the tree. I want to be a person like this tree.
動画。Movie(Japanese subtitle)
イタリア・ボローニャ国際絵本展でRAGAZZI賞という名誉ある賞を受賞した駒形克己。彼はグラフィックデザイナーを経て、子供の誕生をきっかけに絵本の世界にたどり着いた。視覚障害者でも楽しめる絵本を作りづつけている。「Little Tree」は日本人らしい詩的感覚にあふれた切ないストーリーと共に大人も楽しめる絵本となっている。
Katsumi Komagata received BOLOGNA RAGAZZI MENTION AWARD. He stared to work as a graphic designer. Then he started to make children's books, because he was inspired by the birth of his daughter. He also co-published the books which are for visual deficient children. The story of 「Little Tree」 has Japanese sense and is very poetic and beautiful. Also mature people can enjoy this book.
商品情報 Product Information:http://www.one-stroke.co.jp/tree.html
駒形克己 Katsumi Komagata:http://www.one-stroke.co.jp/komagata.html